Our turn-key system offers customizable STEAM lesson plans, including Breakdancing, the newest Olympic Sport-Art, aligned with national education standards. Keep your teachers current and students engaged with dynamic movement patterns and integrate art and athletics to produce future innovators, educators, leaders, and learners. Implementation can be on-site or hybrid with BTR certified instructors, and can also be done remotely.
CURRENT FORMATS: 4-6 Week Unit | 3 Month | 6 month | Year | You name it
With the FREEDOM of Art, FUN of physical fitness, and the FOUNDATION of science we turn traditional education on its head and break the mold to provide an alternative to dated and non inclusive sports and exercises.
Curriculum. Highly developed that checks nearly every box of highly desired subjects. (STEAM, culture, fitness)
Project Based Learning.
Social Emotional Learning.
Safety technology. Training mat and Method rooted in physics
Economy. Lifestyle of movement based on simple and abundant resource- body weight
Sports and Performance. Be early in developing a team in the most cutting edge sport of the 21st century
Good Content- Developed by team of Professional Breakdancers and Sports Performance Doctors
Practice- Technique taught through fun scalable exercises done with scientific precision.
Repetition- innovative Tools and Materials, aka homework, to help develop a lifestyle of self practice. (see below)
Accountability- Training guide check list. Achievement award badging system
innovative resources to succeed at home

The BTR Breakin program is not just a mat that you pull out for a few minutes and let your students play "dance". This comprehensive STEAM + fitness resource integrates PE, Science, Math, Critical Thinking, and Vocabulary standards and skills. It is an incredible resource that knows no bounds. Students around the globe are able to copy the body movements taught through step-by-step videos regardless of cultural background, as dance is a universal language of its own. Get your students excited about the freedom of expression and creativity of breaking with this amazing fitness resource.